HOME TECHNOLOGY STUDENT STUDY SPACES Student Study Spaces Jefferson students may make reservations up to 7 days in advance for study spaces in Scott Memorial Library. Alumni are not permitted to use the student study spaces. On the 2nd floor are ten group study rooms; each holds up to seven students. These rooms are equipped with monitors, whiteboards, and power outlets. Keyboards, mice, projectors, and cables are available for loan from the Access Services desk. Students may reserve group study space for up to 4 hours per day. The group study spaces do not require keys; students are responsible for vacating rooms promptly when the next booked group arrives. On the 3rd floor there are six individual study rooms. These rooms are equipped with white boards, desks, and power outlets. Students may reserve individual study space up to 4 hours per day. The individual study spaces require a key. Stop at the Access Services desk before your reservation begins to check out the key. There is no fee to use these rooms, but Jefferson students are reminded that the following policies apply: Policy for use of Student Study Spaces at Scott Memorial Library Food and Beverage Policy Log in below to check availability of study spaces and to reserve your space. You will receive an email confirming your reservation. LOG IN TO RESERVE A SPACE