HOME GET HELP REQUEST A CONSULTATION Request a Consultation Instructions When you need more than a brief answer, get one-on-one help. Resources are available to Jefferson faculty, staff, students, and Scott Library members. If you're looking to structure a research strategy or choose databases and search terms; identify funding sources for research projects; or use citation managers (RefWorks, Sciwheel, or EndNote); then submit a request to meet with Information Services Librarians using the form below. Most consultations require an hour or less and are available at no cost. For a fee, librarians can conduct: mediated searches; systematic reviews STEP 1: Please log in with your Jefferson Campus Key below. This step is only to prevent spam - your comment will be anonymous unless you choose to provide your name. If you do not have a Jefferson Campus Key, you may use our AskaLibrarian service. For some concerns, it may be more useful to speak directly with a staff member or contact the appropriate department. Use our staff directory for phone and email contact information. LOG IN Contact the IS&T Solution Center (24/7) at 215-955-7975