HOME TECHNOLOGY RESERVATIONS FOR COMPUTER CLASSROOMS & EQUIPMENT Reservations for Computer Classrooms & Equipment Jefferson faculty and staff may reserve computer classrooms for use in courses, workshops and conferences. There are no fees for use by Jefferson faculty, staff or students. If AV services are needed, AV charges do apply for use not associated with a university course during normal business hours. Reservations to support coursework or examinations are given priority. Other uses are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. To place a reservation, please log in below to get started. Please Note: Requests are confirmed or denied by reply email. Reservations are not complete until you receive a confirmation. Upon confirmation, the classroom is booked. The instructor is then responsible for using the classroom for the assigned period and for the proper use of all classroom equipment. The Library reserves the right to modify or deny a request based on availability of rooms, number of participants, purpose, status of equipment, or incomplete information. Faculty and staff may consult the University calendar (Virtual Event Management System) or call 215-503-2832 for the most current schedule. If additional software is needed for your class, please make note of it in the comment box on the form and allow 2 weeks for its installation. LOG IN TO PLACE A RESERVATION