HOME ABOUT ABOUT THE SCOTT LIBRARY About the Scott Library Scott Memorial Library Scott Building 1020 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19107 215-503-6994 Campus Map | Directions | Parking AskaLibrarian@jefferson.edu Our Mission The mission of the Scott Memorial Library is to improve lives by strengthening the educational, research, and clinical activities of the Thomas Jefferson University and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital communities by: Providing up-to-date, knowledge-based information, Supporting evidence-based decision-making at the point of care, Providing space and technology resources to support individual and group learning, Managing computer classrooms and related educational software, and Preserving and promoting Jefferson's rich history and ongoing research. To accomplish this mission, Scott Library staff provides consultation and instruction, as well as access to, and preservation of, knowledge-based resources. Space and computers for study, learning, and collection access are available on four floors of the Scott Building. The Library also oversees public computers, computer labs, and specialty computer classrooms across the Thomas Jefferson University — Center City Campus.