HOME TECHNOLOGY SOFTWARE SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FOR JEFFERSON USERS Software Available for Jefferson Users Your search for "grammarly" returned: Name: Grammarly Platform(s): Windows,Mac Description: Grammarly may be downloaded for use by Jefferson students, faculty, and staff for use on their own computers. Login at https://library.jefferson.edu/tech/grammarly/ with your Campus Key for a download link and instructions. (this page is available from off and on campus with the exception of the JeffGuest wireless network). Create your account using your Jefferson email address. Student accounts must use @students.jefferson.edu and faculty/staff @jefferson.edu. University staff (not including faculty) must first contact IS&T by placing a Service Now request. Choose Request Something > Other Request. In the details, address the request to the attention of the ID management team. Categories: Document Editing Tags: grammarly Location(s): N/A