About Jefferson Libraries Jefferson is home to three University Libraries and two Clinical Libraries: University Libraries The Dixon Library, located on the Thomas Jefferson University — Dixon Campus, supports the students, faculty, and staff of the College of Nursing. The Paul J. Gutman Library, located on the East Falls campus, supports the students, faculty, and staff of the Thomas Jefferson University – East Falls Campus. The Scott Memorial Library, located on the Center City campus, supports the students, faculty, staff, and clinicians associated with Thomas Jefferson University – Center City Campus. The libraries serve thousands of students, faculty, and staff by providing access to resources, encouraging curiosity and exploration, preserving Jefferson's history, and offering space and technology to support learning. Dixon Library Circulation & Reference: (215) 890-3111 AskALibrarian@jefferson.edu Paul J. Gutman Library Circulation: (215) 951-2840 Reference: (215) 951-2848 AskGutman@jefferson.libanswers.com Full staff directory Scott Memorial Library Circulation & Reference: (215) 503-6994 AskALibrarian@jefferson.edu Full staff directory Clinical Libraries The Luria Learning Center supports Jefferson Einstein Montgomery Hospital physicians, staff, and students on clinical rotation at Einstein facilities. The Wilmer Library supports Jefferson Abington Hospital residents, staff, students, and affiliates. Luria Learning Center LuriaLibrary@jefferson.edu Wilmer Library WilmerLibrary@jefferson.edu